Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Mom liked the shawl, and Frannie liked her bag, which is based on the free pattern from U-Handbag. It was my second sewing project after the crooked that I made. The purse came out a little crooked too, could have probably have fixed it but I finished the sewing machine part of it on my last day in the UK before coming over here. And the foot pedal broke, so it was a bit diffucult to stop when I wanted to actually stop. The sewing machine was cheap, so I expected it to break quickly, though I had hoped it would last more than 5 or so uses. There is a one year warrantt, but I need to call them between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday, So I'm not actually sure when that's going to happen.
I had a nice Christmas, we played board games, opened presents. I got a pair of scissors for sewing and a book about writing.
Yesterday mom brought me and Noah to Burlington Coat factory to buy coats. It was huge, and we actually had to ask where the coats were located (bottom floor). I ended up buying (well, mom bought them as a Christmas present) two coats, one of which was a normal looking black short coat, the other was long and red, and will hopefully keep me very warm in my half hour walk to work. The red one has no hood, but I figure the head warmth factor can be easily solved by just wearing a hat, though of course I'm not just going to buy one, I have to make it, which means my head might be cold for a while.
I have been wearing my wimple everywhere, I'm considering knitting my hair into it so it becomes a permanent fixture. Though lately I've been wearing it like a huge headband, which the siblings claim looks rather Rasta.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sock Ornament pattern

You can use any yarn and appropriate needles. The bigger the yarn, the bigger the ornament will be. I used fingering.
CO 16
Join in round
Work 4 rows rib, then 8 rows st stitch
Heel flap:
Row 1: K10 stitches
Row 2: sl 1, p9
Row 3: sl 1, k9
Repeat rows 2 and 3.
Turn heel:
Row 1: sl 1, p4, p2tog tbl, p1
Row 2: sl 1, k1, k2tog, k1
Row 3: sl1, p2, p2tog tbl, p1
Row 4: sl1, k3, k2tog, k1
PU 5 stitches with a new needle.
Knit 6 stitches with a new needle
PU5 stitches with a new needle, and knit 3 stitches
Row 1: Work 1 row even.
Row 2:
Needle 1: K 5, k2 tog, k1,
Needle 2: Knit
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k5
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you have 16 stitches remaining.
K3 rows even.
Row 1:
Needle 1: K 2, k2 tog, k1,
Needle 2: k1, ssk, k2 tog, k1
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k2
Row 3: Work 1 row even
Row 4:
Needle 1: K 1, k2 tog, k1,
Needle 2: ssk, k2 tog
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k1
With same needle, needle 3, knit 2
Move the last stitch on needle 3 onto needle 2, and the remaining stitch from needle 1 also onto needle 2. You should have 4 stitches on 2 needles.
And now you’re ready to do the kitchner stitch and finish your sock!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I bought a stollen cake

It has nuts, raisins, little bits of cherries, and a marzipan center.
This weekend I was also on a mini sock ornament kick.

Here's the action shot:

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Warm Chin
Last night I started on a sock-shaped ornament for a friend in the peacecorp. I was working on it for less than 2 hours and I'm almost done with it. I think the next one will go faster, I'm also thinking of making it smaller.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
I finished the smoke ring/wimple yesterday, it's being blocked as I type this.
Last night after I finished the wimple (does not seem like a proper word for an accessory, but perhaps a curse word or a body part) I tried to start on a Christmas project, but it turns out that bulky yarn with size 13 needles and a lace pattern do not mix well. If anyone is on Ravelry I'll post what I frogged on there.
Also brought out the sewing machine. Bought it last month, but I wanted to finish the twist and shout sweater before I started anything else. That never happened (still have a sleeve to do), but since I started on the wimple and the muff I figured I should do something I'll enjoy instead of setting myself limits.
Don't actually remember the last time I used a sewing machine, I might have never used one, but I was glad I was around the shop during the sewing classes so I knew to iron the hem before I tried to sew it and I was glad Jessamy was there as I got really confused with the lower bobbin, turned out it was working right I just didn't understand the concept. So my PJs are now a proper length. Yay! Next it's curtains, then a purse for a Christmas present. There will be a picture of that of course, but probably not until closer to Christmas as I don't know who's reading this...
Monday, December 01, 2008
Snow 2

No, it's not that my car was stolen (not that I have a car), but it's snow!
I had a nice leisurely weekend. Started on a smoke ring with Claudia Hand Painted yarn on Saturday and I'm half way through.

Jessamy and I had Thanksgiving dinner at a Chinese buffet. No pumpkin pie, but we did have tiramisu.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It snowed!
Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture until most of it was melted, and then the batteries died right after the picture was taken, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
I guess I made that muff right in time, lets hope it keeps my hands warm during my half hour walk to work tomorrow.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Festive Muff
One 50 gram ball of super bulky yarn
Gauge: 5 stitches per 2" in 1X1 rib
Needle: 11
Cast on 20 stitches with both yarns held together. Join in the round. Work 10 inches in 1X1 rib. Bind off loosely.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Amigurimi class this Saturday

with Melise Gerber
November 22, 1pm, $40
According to Wikipedia the "pervading aesthetic of amigurumi is cuteness". And they aren't kidding. By learning to crochet this cute snowman you'll also learn the skills to go on to make your own customized dolls. Beginning crocheters are welcome to attend.
Great for quick Christmas presents!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Pictures from Housesteads Roman fort
We went to Hadrians Wall Country, but it was really cold, and rained most of the time so we had to scrap the plan of walking along the wall and went to see the museums instead, but you can see some of the wall here:
Roman ruins, don't remember which ones these were, but there was the remains of bathhouses, with their raised floors for more efficient heating, granaries, with their raised floors for vermin and dampness, soldier barracks, etc.
This is Jessamy pointing at one of the many sheep grazing in the area.
and Michelle in a well

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This week's classes and events
Kids Knitting/Crochet
Wednesday afternoons from 3-4pm.
Open to those just starting out and more experienced knitters who want
to learn new skills. $50 for 4 sessions, materials included. It's fun
and laid back. Classes also available Tuesdays 2-3pm and Fridays 3-4pm.
Yarn - Start to Finish
Begin with raw wool, and
finish with spun dyed yarn
made with your own hands
In 3 sessions, beginning
tomorrow, October 22 6:00
Includes Oct 29th Spinning Class
call for details
Sewing Survival Skills
For men, or anyone who needs to know.
Learn to sew on buttons, easy repairs, etc
~Thursday, October 23 at 7pm~ or
~ Saturday, October 25 at 12:30 ~ $35
Spanish Class
The first session will be held on
Friday, October 24, 2008 from 7-8:30 p.m.
The second session will be held on
Friday, November 7, 2008 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Cost per person is $20, with all proceeds to benefit the store.
And a tip jar for the teacher.
Study materials are provided at no additional
charge, and students are encouraged to take plenty of notes.
The material will be basic, every day Spanish to help folks get
by, and at least communicate with Spanish-speakers who may
not yet be fluent in English.
Teen Knitting
Teen Sit-n-Knit (free!) Fridays from 5-6:30pm.
If you like making socks, or would like to, we have something
of interest.
Sock Yarn Tasting of Skacel Yarns
Saturday October 25th, 2008.
It will run from 2 PM- 4ish.
A representative from Skacel will be there, so will sock yarn
and samples.
And if you'd like to hang out and share your own sock wisdom,
or need a bit of help with making socks this is your big chance.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ongoing projects are still going
I wanted to have it finished by now, but I keep making mistakes, like not cabling or only cabling half a row.
I've also finally started Jessamy's birthday present (her birthday was in September), it's a pencil case. I still have to do the zipper, which I'm not looking forward too. I've never sewn a zipper before and I attempted to do it last night, but it was late and I was sleepy and easily frustrated.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Two Things This Weekend
The Friends of That Yarn Store will hold a yard sale on Saturday, October 18, from 9-4pm at 4952 Vincent Ave. in Eagle Rock 90041. All proceeds will benefit our favorite LYS, That Yarn Store. Please donate items for sale - fyi, we're avoiding all clothing except for kids, vintage/retro, and high-end. Drop items off at 4952 Vincent Ave before 8am on the morning of, or at That Yarn Store sometime that week.If you can spare an hour or two to work the sale, that's great, too! Please contact Suzanne at sjbirder at roadrunner dot com or at 323-333-1630.
Tough economic times call for creative responses. Please help us keep this small, local business part of our community. Thanks!
The music of Call and Response:
Saturday, October 18th, at 6:00 pm. Free
Dottie plays her music and Michael translates it into the language of trombone.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Decoupage Class today - decorating with paper
Yes, you heard me right, a Decoupage Class. Awesome isn't it.
Tuesday, October 14, 4:00 pm.$25
Learn this simple craft, perfect for decorating. Pick from a frame, or box or a flat square and we'll show you how to put together a cool, nifty design. Make mistakes, so that when you go home you have extra ideas on how to fix them. If you have any cool, light weight paper, please feel free to bring it in so we can add it to your works.
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Friday, October 10, 2008
Have we mentioned...
Call it an excuse to hang out at the store at a later hour than usual, think of it as a time to ask Maggie some questions about her sewing classes, consider it as a time for people who haven't knit/crochet in a group to try it out.
Whatever way you want to think about it, it'll be here for you.
October 11th from 6-9 pm.
* See spinning demonstrations.
* Hear an explanation of hyperbolic crochet
* Meet our sewing teacher
* Learn about our classes
* Work on your projects on our comfy couches
Saturday Night Discount
Get 10% off on October 11, 7-10pm when you bring in the NELA artwalk map,
For more information about the discount and to see a list of other businesses who are giving a discount please visit
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-9276
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Open House on October 11
How can my children learn a new craft? Is it easier to learn to knit or crochet? What's with the sewing machine?
Get your knitting, crochet, and sewing questions answered. The owners of That Yarn Store and their sewing teacher will be on hand to answer questions and give advice. You'll also hear an explanation of hyperbolic crochet geometry and see spinning demonstrations. And if you've ever wanted to crochet or knit in a group this is a great opportunity to try it out - we have comfy couches just for this purpose.
*See spinning demonstrations.
*Hear an explanation of hyperbolic crochet
*Meet our sewing teacher
*Learn about our classes
*Say hi to the owners
*Work on your projects on our comfy couches
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End of Vacation
I'm doing general clerical work. Jessamy has received two new conservation items to write about, so she's excited about that. But apparently they doing some crazy cuts in the department, including not having any secretary on site, so even though they have a 9am class, their passes won't let them into the building until 9. Normally the secretary would let them in, now a teacher (called tutors) might have to answer the doorbell.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Any social networks we aren't on?
I've also signed up with Twitter (soon we will have something on all kinds of social networking sites...). We are on there under this email, So now you can find out how I spend my time on the computer...
Other social networking sites we are on: myspace
Ravelry: Thea's username is fibrous, we also have a group
And I think is on linkedin.
and Gina has started a photo album, for us on Flickr
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Soda Pop night and first kids class tomorrow
For our next happy hour we will be drinking soda pop!
September 26th, 7pm. Free
Stop by Galcos (over on 5702 York) beforehand (I think they close at 6:30) and pick up a few bottles of something interesting to share. John, the owner, is always happy to give suggestions.
Starting September 26, we will have afternoon kid's classes every
Friday from 3 to 4 pm.
Starting October 14, we will have Tuesday afternoon classes
from 2 to 3.
$50 for 4 classes, which includes materials for projects we will
be teaching.
On Fridays teens can come in to sit and knit from 5 to 6:30.
Feel free to bring muchies and music. No charge.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Houses made of brick
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Twist and Shout in purple
Naw, I wasn't the clever one who thought of Twist and Shout for a cable sweater, it's the real name of the pattern from It's so weird having something sizeable to show for a few hours of work. It's been so long since I've done something from an actual pattern and therefore did not require me ripping half the thing out like the argyle sweater that I left at home because I needed a nice long break from it. It's also a bit weird working on size 7 needles - the past couple of projects have been socks with #2s, though neither of the last two socks projects are done yet either, the pirate socks need a complete redesign, I actually left them at home too, and I got bored with the other cable socks.
Anyway, I'm of course not entirely happy with it, my tension is wonky and the yarn isn't perfect for it, but I had already ordered the yarn for another project, a sweater in interweave, and decide to make this one instead. Hopefully the tension will even out with blocking. But, all is not lost and I think it will still look nice. If you do make this sweater though, don't use a DK! I would go with Suri Merino instead.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Kids Knitting Classes
Ages 6-up
All levels welcome
$50 for 4 classes (includes all materials)
Fridays 3pm-4pm (starts Sept. 26)
Tuesdays 2pm-3pm (starts October 14) - take advantage
of LAUSD's early dismissal on Tuesdays!
Teen Sit-n-Knit -FREE! - Fridays 5pm-6:30pm
Pre-registration requested - contact
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Boulevard, Los Angeles 90041
(one block south of Colorado)
phone: 323-256-9276
email: that.yarnstore@
www.thatyarnstore. com
Settled in
If weather permits we hope to bike along part of Hadrians Wall next week...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Back across the pond
Friday, September 12, 2008
Meet me at the fair
Last Sunday I judges the men's knitting competition for the county fair. I'll be there again this Sunday to put together squares for Warm Up America. I'm not sure what time yet, but if you want to meet me there and hang out gice me a call at the store - (323) 256-9276 - on Saturday and I should know the time by then.
If you can't make it on Sunday, the fair has a knitting corner where you can come in at any time and knit.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Featured yarn - Encore
We'll be starting with the ever popular Encore.
Encore, made by Plymouth, is 75% acrylic and 25% wool. It's very popular for baby
blankets (washable), but it can be used for anything, Thea is currently working on her argyle shirt with (see the last blog psot). On the voila page of our website, you can see two projects made out of it - a blanket and some socks!
If you're wondering what to make, here's a free pattern from knitting pattern central for a no sew sweater using Encore.
Monday, September 01, 2008
No Socks, no shirt, no done
But I have gotten to the arm pit area, so that's something.
I'm also working on a pair of socks for Noah for his birthday (in two weeks). It started off as an entrelac sock, but my brother tried it on and it was too small (I was only on the second row of triangles) so I ripped it out (the two of them actually since I try to make the two socks at once) and decided to do little cables instead because the entrelac was getting tedious.
For this sock I casted on 68 stitches, and as you can see it does diagonal stripes. At 52 stitches it did the normal self striping, which I wasn't expecting.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hyperbolic Crochet tonight!
Hyperbolic Crochet.
A lighter verson of our ususal
workshop. Come in and show
what you've done, or learn
how to make these blends
of yarn, art, math, and fun.
also this week:
Spin a Yarn.
Friday at 7:00
Come share a story, a poem,
a song, an editorial, or anything
that you'd like to share.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Slides and alpacas and bears oh my
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
MoveOn demonstration against Big Oil
Where: 800 N. Alameda Street (Union Station) (in Los Angeles)
When: Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2008, at 6:30 PM
I'll be there ...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Call and Response - 8/23

The late Allen Ginsberg called Dorothea (Dottie) Grossman's poetry, "clear, odd, personal, funny or wild-weird, curious and lucid."
The "call and response" format in which Ms. Grossman and Vlatkovich perform was born in Albuquerque, NM, when both were guests on a jazz radio program. This format solves the problem of one medium overshadowing the other, plus, says Grossman, "it avoids the old 'jazz and poetry' trap, with its cliché-ridden stereotype of angry, beret-wearing, bongo-playing bohemians."
"Call and Response"
the magical duet of
poet Dottie Grossman
and trombonist
Michael Vlatkovich.
Dottie reads her poetry
then Michael interprets her poems
in the language of trombone.
Saturday, August 23, at 6:00
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ask Pirate
For those of you who've ever wondered how blind people and guide dogs work together, there will be an informative seminar on Friday, August 15, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the store.
Liz Daniels, and her guide dog, Pirate, will be there to discuss the history and training of these dogs. The presentation will be followed by a Q/A session.
Requested is a $10 donation per person, with all proceeds to benefit That Yarn Store.
Also, any and all individuals interested in beginning Spanish and basic yoga classes, please contact us and we will pass on your email to Liz. Again, there will be a nominal charge per
class, with all proceeds to benefit the store.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Found my next project

Sunday, August 10, 2008
A nice leisurely day
I also started to clear out a corner of the store to make way for our "hand-made corner", we're still working on the name, which, if everything works out well, will have hand-made jewelry and other such things for purchase. Yesterday at 10:00 I hung out at Curves for the knitting circle, except the person running Curves doesn't usually work on Fridays so she didn't know where to put me, and I ended up hanging out in one of the empty dressing rooms, which was weird, but I think I now know where David normally hangs out, so if anyone wants to come in and knit with me and go to the gym afterwards, it seems like a good opportunity. At 11 I walked to the store and substituted for the kids knitting class. Then it was eating, talking, and knitting until 7pm
It feels like I've never left...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Not knitting related, but ...
a student exchange company I used to work for. They have a ton of
students who still need host families. While I was working there I
helped send out the newsletters and was able to see lots of pictures of
happy families and students. Here's the link if you'd like to host a student.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Updates on this month's store hours
Here are the hours I will be working, starting this Friday. Wednesdays through Friday 2:00 pm until closing, Saturday 12 - 5.
I'm also going to be teaching knitting intensive classes. Wednesday through Friday evenings at 6:00 to 7/7:30. Since there is so much to cover we might not be able to cover everything in one hour, but we'll try, and if there's only one of the several techniques listed for each day that you want to learn let me know and we'll cover that first. The first 4 will be only $5 each, the later ones will be $10.
1. Review - knit/purl, how to fix drop stitches, and the concept of knitting. August 8
2. Circular knitting, including double pointed, magic loop and
how to fix incorrect joins. August 13
3. Increasing and decreasing. August 14
4. Lace (class 3 is a prereq, private lesson is available) and reading patterns. August 15
5. Socks (heel and toe). August 20
6. Entrelac. August 21
7. Cables and icords. August 22
8. Many ways of casting on and off, continental vs english knitting. August 27
9. Color knitting #1. intarsia, other forms of color knitting. August 28
10. Color knitting #2 fair isle, other color knitting. August 29
11. Kitchener stitch. Date: TBA
I'll probably be adding a few more things, or you can make a request, or schedule a private class.
See you soon.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Possible hours, possible class
I'll have a better idea of whether this will really work out when I get home tomorrow!
Also, here's a preliminary list of what we'll be doing for our intensive knitting classes:
1. Review - knit/purl, how to fix drop stitches, and the concept of knitting.
2. Circular knitting, including double pointed, magic loop and how to
fix incorrect joins.
3. Increasing and decreasing
4. Lace
5. Socks (heel and toe)
6. Entrelac
7. Cable, icord
8. Many ways of casting on and off, continental vs english knitting
9. Color knitting #1. intarsia, other forms of color knitting
10. Color knitting #2 fair isle, other color knitting
11. Kitchener stitch
See you guys soon.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Silent Auction ends August 3
We are having a silent auction, ending August 3rd.
Proceeds go to keeping the store open.
To see the items and current bids please go to
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Super yarn trade in ends this Saturday!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Kids Knitting Camp has been extended
Kids Summer Knitting Camp
Ages 6-up
All levels welcome
$25 per week (+ $10 materials, or bring your own)
Classes meet Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00am – 12 noon
Session 4: July 15, 16, 18
Session 5: July 22, 23, 25
Session 6: July 29, 30, August 1
ADDED! Session 7: August 5, 6, 8
ADDED! Session 8: August 12, 13, 15
ADDED! Session 9: August 19, 20, 22
Pre-registration required - contact
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Boulevard, Los Angeles 90041
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm alive
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Knitty projects and the yarns that love them
Here are some of the projects and yarns that we carry (or used to carry) that could be used as substitutes. If we no longer carry it stock we would be happy to do a special order for you:
Rio de la Plata Sock yarn
If you would like to order the yarn called for, cathay, we can special order it for you. Otherwise, these would make good substitutes:
Encore worsted
Royal llama silk
Suri Merino
Rio de la Plata Sock yarn
Rio de la Plata Sock yarn
We used to stock kidsilk haze, we can order more if you would like.
Jeanee (a little too thick, but it's a baby sweater, the kid will grow into it, but first make a swatch and see how it drapes)
Dreambaby dk (a little too thin, but I think it will suit fine, especially if you make the next size up, but first make a swatch and see how it drapes)
Rio de la Plata Sock yarn
Baby alpaca grande
New Project!
For reasons I'm not completely sure of I've decided to base the sweater on Tomato

I lost track of how long I spent on Saturday evening trying to work out the math so that the diamonds would start in the correct place. Once I had figured it out (using the most geometry I've used since high school) I decided that I would like smaller diamonds, then I realized it would be better using this number as the basis than this, etc etc.
But, I was able to cast on and do two rows on Saturday, and got to bed before midnight too!
Jessamy has the camera but I'm moving over to London on Thursday so there will be pictures soon.
It's going well, I'm several inches into it and it seems like it will be pretty quick to knit. Except for the math on Saturday I think I've done better than normal in the making life, ie knitting, harder for myself area.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
World Wide Knit in Public pictures

I hear several pitchers of beer were consumed, so I think it's safe to assume that fun was had by all!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
June 14th - World Wide Knit in Public Day!
WWKIPD is an international event where knitters gather together and ... knit in public!
The only official Northeast LA WWKIPD outing is in
Eagle Rock, organized by That Yarn Store.
12:30. Knitters, crocheters, and family will meet at That Yarn Store
1:00 to 3:00 We will have a knit-n-sip at Swork. 2160 Colorado Blvd
3:00 to 5:00 We meet at Oinksters for some amazing food. 2005 Colorado Blvd
Bring your projects. Non-knitting Significant others and family are welcome to tag along!
That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-9276
Sunday, June 08, 2008
It's all true
Any class suggestions? Anything that will help you help us?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Interview with Evonne Wee
Knit or crochet?: I mostly knit, but I can also crochet a little. I like that crochet goes fast!
What's your favorite That Yarn Store yarn: Rio De La Plata Sock - I love how the colors change in the plies. I can probably stare at that yarn till I get dizzy.
How long have you been crocheting/knitting/spinning: I learned to knit when I was little, maybe 6 years old. I made a square, about the size of a coaster. I picked up my needles again about 7 years ago, and have been hooked ever since. I have been spinning for 1 year, after a failed attempt at learning several years ago. It didn't "stick" the first time!
How did you learn to crochet/knit/spin: I learned to knit from my mom. I learned to spin from John Pitblado, an LA spinner, and I visited the Pasadena Spinning Guild a couple of times.
What is your current project: You mean, what are my various half done projects? I am knitting a cotton tank top for a good friend. I have a shawl 99% finished. (I haven't found the time to do the last 2 rows!) Those are the main ones. I guess I am on a lace kick lately. I get distracted easily, as many of us do. On some projects, I get a good stretch going for a while, like if I have a few days of time in a row, some good movies to watch, or the project has some interesting colors or details.
Do you follow patterns, make up your own, or a mixture: Both. With handspun yarn, I like winging it more. I usually knit it top down, because I am afraid I might run out of yarn. Depending on the amount of yarn I have left, I might add some details or change my plans accordingly. Don't do this at home kids - I have seen many a grown man/woman cry when they run out of yarn near the end. It's a good thing I like cropped sweaters and sweaters with 3/4 length sleeves. No, seriously, I do, and it makes more sense for our California weather.
Do you have a blog or website: I have an etsy store: and I am "craftypeapod" on flickr. I can seriously waste a lot of time looking at other people's craftiness on those 2 sites. Lovely.
What's your favorite non-fiber website: I like reading and Everyone should check them out!
Have you ever been attacked by an animal: Kind of. Once I was walking around my neighborhood at night with my roommate. A barking dog charged at us out of a dark alley. I ran away, but my roommate fell. She never lets me forgot that I left her there and saved myself. But my "fight or flight" response really kicked in. The dog's owner grabbed the dog a few seconds after it charged at us. In the end, she was mostly unhurt but kind of shocked.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Do you sell your handmade things online?
I've been busy the past few weeks. I just started a website called as a method for promotion for people who make things and a way for shoppers to find one of a kind goodies.
It's "launching" in early June, but if you have an etsy, myspace, or personal website where you sell your handmade items please go to the website, and click the Submit link for further instructions.
I've been posting new submissions (I have 18 so far!) on the blog Just like in this blog, you don't need a gmail account to comment.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sounds cool, spinning camp
Calling all spinners! Come join us at Camp Pluckyfluff Los Angeles. Lexi Boeger of is an amazing and irreverent fiber artist and spinner. Check out her recent projects, including her "brain hat" and "roadkill yarn" on her website and blog. The 2 day camp will focus on helping spinners develop their own new and original styles. She will cover these techniques: supercoils, adding sequins, poofs and nubbies to yarn, crazy carding and more more more! This workshop is meant for those who already know basic spinning. The cost is $200 for 2 full days, July 19-20. For more details, visit
Monday, May 19, 2008
Pattern and contact number for chemo caps
SIZE: Approximately 9 ½ “ from beginning to bottom edge.
MATERIAL: approx 6 oz of yarn and Crochet hook size K
Work in BACK LOOP only
Row 1: Ch 4, join with slip stitch to form ring; Ch 3, work 11 dc in ring (12 dc, counting ch-3, as 1 dc), join with sl st in top of ch-3
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in base of ch-3, work 2 dc in each dc around (24 dc); join
Row 3: Repeat Row 2 (48 dc)
Rows 4-12: Ch 3, dc in each dc around (48 dc); join; break off
Weave ends
Fold last two rows up to form cuff (optional) Pattern by Sue Ochoa
Chemo Caps are needed for adult men and women.
We are always on the look-out for donated knit or crocheted caps for our chemotherapy patients. Gifting caps made from yarn is a great way to share your talent and generosity with others. Involve your neighbors, church group, club, or start your own Chemo Cap Koffee Klatch! It’s fun! It’s worthwhile! It’ll make you feel GREAT!!
30 Minute Chemo Cap
Have 30 Minutes? Want to help our patients?
Instructions for a 30 Minute Chemo Cap
30 Minute Chemo Cap
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We are open today
We will be closed for the rest of the week, Wednesday to Saturday, to see Max graduate from college.
We've received more Brown Sheep for your knitting pleasure, and a new yarn for us, Encore DK, which is an excellent choice for baby items (it's washable, don't ya know).
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Spring Craftaganza is this Saturday!

Spring Craftaganza is an awesome yearly event held at That Yarn Store where you can pick up one-of-a-kind gifts for your one-of-a-kind Mom (the next day is Mother's Day), start your holiday shopping early, and snag something cool for yourself. From handmade t-shirts to jewelry to hand-spun yarn!
Plus free refreshments!
What: Spring Craftaganza, a hand-made craft fair
When: May 10, 1-5pm
Where: That Yarn Store, 5028 Eagle Rock Blvd (see for directions)
Why: Handmade is better!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Interview with Gina Ruiz
I hope this interview is the first of many interesting interviews with fiber loving folks.
Knit or crochet: Crochet
What's your favorite That Yarn Store yarn: Baby Alpaca! Soooo soft.
How long have you been crocheting: I learned when I was little but haven't since I was about 15, then my granddaughter led me into the store about a year and a half ago and I was, quite literally, hooked. I can't stop buying yarn!
How did you learn to crochet: My grandmother taught me the rudimentaries and David is teaching me the finer points.
What are you crocheting: A Pig Blanket! It's simple squares in a soft green with alternating ones in cream. Every other square has a little pink pig face first crocheted and then sewn onto it. Very cute. I think the pattern calls it a Barnyard Blanket, but at our house it's a pig blanket.
Why that project: My granddaughter Jasmine loves pigs! She has the largest (I think) Pig Book Collection, every birthday party is a pig party and she has tons of stuff pigs.
Do you follow patterns, make up your own, or a mixture: Mixture
What do you do for a living: Let's see that gets complicated. I'm the GM for an all online publication that writes about animation and visual effects,, I write book reviews, I started a cooking website, I'm writing a novel, I write poetry and I dabble in shameless self-promotion.
Do you have a blog or website: Several! [Thea has listed them all below] - cooking, book reviews, latino childrens book reviews. I just bought my own domain name and am going to consolidate everything on
What's your favorite non-fiber website: I'd have to say its a toss up between The Elegant Variation (a literary blog) and Go Fug Yourself dot com. It's my secret (not now) guilty pleasure.
Have you ever been attacked by an animal:Yes! The evil cat. I once spent the night at a friends who had very large (over 20 pound) cats. I guess one of them (the largest) took exception to me sleeping on the couch and climbed his fat self up a bookshelf and hurtled his body at me. Narrowly missed taking out my eye and I still have a scar right under my eye today over ten years later. Evil, evil, evil and beastly cat. I don't have that friend anymore by the way.
Here are Gina's blogs:
- Thea
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Seen a play
I had a nice weekend (I can't believe it's already Thursday!).
We went to see a play, Pitman Painters by Lee Hall, who also did Billy Elliot. It's about a group of coal miners from Ashington (not far from Newcastle) in the 1930s-40s when coal miners had very little formal education and largely started in the coal mines at age 11. A group of them started off with an art appreciation course and end up as painters.
The acting as so-so, but I thought they did a great job with the accents.
The theatre was very interesting, it's tiny, about 150 people, 50 in the balcony, 100 downstairs, with the first 50 seats placed around tables so that people can have a drink while they watch the play.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Meet David B Adams, (hand-turned needles)
makes (like his double sided hooks), we are going to showcase him and
his work on Saturday, April 19 (tomorrow!), from 2 to 5 pm.
Come and meet David, see the woods he has and designs he has
been creating, and maybe treat yourself to one of his beautiful
crochet hooks or knitting needles. His needles come in a variety of
sizes, woods, and prices. He also makes them to order. We hope you'll
stop in and say hi.
Date: Saturday, April 19
Time: 2 to 5 pm
Place: That Yarn Store
5028 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
www.thatyarnstore. com
(323) 256-9276
Stitch n Bitch books (and Denise Needle Set) are in
We've received a new shipment of:
Denise Needle Set (what I'm currently using, it's very handy as it
has needle sizes 5-15 in one handy kit. I bought it for a gift for
Jessamy, but it turns out that it was really something I had wanted)
Stitch 'n Bitch: Handbook
Stitch 'n Bitch: Nation
Stitch 'n Bitch: Happy Hooker (it's all about crochet)
and the newest of the group, Son of Stitch 'n Bitch: 45 Projects to
Knit and Crochet for Men
In the last newsletter I said we were not accepting requests for a
movie, it was a typo (I had proofread the rest of the email, but sadly
not that part), I meant we are now accepting requests for the movie.
What a difference that letter makes. The movie (April 25) will start
at 7:30.
The dates for Yarn: Start to Finish were incorrect in the last
newsletter, it is really April 18, 23, and 25.
We now have a good number of vendors for the May 10th (1-5pm) craft
fair. It's looking like it will be an eclectic and interesting bunch.
I hope you can come (and pass the word).
We're expecting more yarn by the end of next week, if not before. Woho.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Live Music Tonight
April 12, 5-7
On Saturday, April 12th, from 5-7pm, Dottie Grossman and Michael
Vlatkovich, also known as "Call And Response" will be performing at
That Yarn Store. The concert is free, although donations are accepted.
Critically acclaimed, the duo has performed across the US, and
routinely opens the Potter Valley Jazz Festival. Though music and
poetry may have beatnik associations for some, rest assured that this
is no bongos and beret affair. Grossman's poetry covers a wide range
of emotional territory, and Vlatkovich is always right there with her,
whether to reinforce the sentiment of the poem, or completely turn it
on its head. It is not uncommon to be close to tears at the end of a
poem, and rolling with laughter during the response... and vice versa!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
New yarn
Encore Worsted (A free pattern online:
Encore Colorspun (very popular, there are some socks on our voila page,
Alpaca Grande (everyone's favorite, and has been selling like hotcakes according to David (maybe we should get into the hotcakes business))
Suri Merino (a personal favorite, and coincidentally I used some this weekend to make a felted ipod cozy (yes, I did pack Suri Merino in my suitcase))
Suri Merino Paint (I think this is a new one for us (at least I haven't seen it), but I just looked at the Plymouth website at the yarns, and my mouth is watering, I'm guessing it will sell also like
Baby Alpaca Worsted Paint (dito the description above)
Alpaca Boucle (it's been so long since we've carried this that it's possible it might be new to you. We used to have a stripey hat made from it in the store somewhere, you might have seen it. Another
Boku (Self striping goodness)
Happy feet (new spring yarn from Plymouth. Multicolored sock yarn. David says it was recommended by Suzanne. I don't know if that last comment was supposed to go in the newsletter or not, but there it is anyway! Just looked at it on the Plymouth site, it's a 90% Superwash Merino Wool, 10% Nylon, in nice colors, including men's colors (as Jessamy pointed out in a deep voice) though I don't know if the guy colors were ordered or not, but you would always place a special order with us)
Royal Bamboo (speaks for itself)
Royal Llama silk (You didn't know that Llamas made cocoons, did you? 60% Llama, 40% Silk)
If I had been in the room by myself when I took the call I might have thought that it was just me being ignorant about the actual meaning of the term Ms. Fortunately Jessamy, who knows everything, was sitting next to me and she was as amazed as I was. We decided that it was probably just another example, like the term "you all right," where the British and American language differ.
So I looked it up online (how I love online), and found an article about the term Ms from The Guardian, a UK newspaper. The guardian seems to agree with me, that the term means I decline to state my marital status.
Since both the woman who called me and the CRB people who returned the form both believed it meant widowed or divorced I looked some more, and saw the question "Meaning of Ms, Mrs, Miss?" on
yahoo answers. Most seemed to think that it mean "declined to state" but there were a few who said widowed or divorced.
Oh well, seems like I'll either have to ask everyone who wants to know what their personal interpretation of Ms. is or write in longhand across all the tick boxes the words "None of your business". Sadly I'm not that antagonistic and I'll just go with Miss from now on.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
For the love of grafting
I love grafting! It's almost as fascinating as fixing drop stitches, when knitting stops becoming manipulations of tools and yarn, and becomes a language.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
It's April!
Today was spent in a temp job, lots of counting and lifting.
Yesterday I started my script for Script Frenzy, a "competition" (there's no money involved, just a challenge) of doing 100 pages of a script during the 30 days in April, one of the rules is that you can't start writing any of the story before April 1st. I have 5 pages so far, which isn't much considering I have been thinking about the story for the last week.
Instead, I spent a good chunk of yesterday starting an etsy account, well, two actually, to sell the iPod cozies I've been making.
And now it's back to the script!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
More april events!
If you've admired David B Adams, and the needles and
crochet hooks he makes, we are going to showcase him and his
work on Saturday, April 19, from 2 to 5 pm.
Come and meet David, see the woods and designs he has been
working on, and maybe treat yourself to one of his beautiful
A personal note from Thea: His hooks are truly amazing! I have a j/k double ended one, and I use it whenever I can.
We are going to be getting new yarn in soon. Cotton, linen,
sheep, alpaca, dinosaur, and llama yarns.
They will arrive when the mills send it, and when
the UPS gods will it so.
Movie Night on April 25!
En popcorn veritas.
Happy hour has moved, this month it's:
April 11, at 7:00 Libation yet to be determined.
Julia Hiser will be teaching a two-part class covering all your
sock-knitting basics - Heels, toes, the whole-shebang!
First-timers and the newly sock-conscious all welcome.
Learn to make a pair of lovely foot-coverings or improve upon
your techniques.
Items required: Set of size #3 double-pointed needles and
Sport weight yarn.
Bring them, or buy them here.
Wednesday, April 9, 12 pm
Thurs day, April 10, 7 pm
Monday, March 31, 2008
April happs
Hi everybody. Hi Doctor Nick.
Tomorrow is another day, and another month. Here’s our events so far for April, we also have a number of crafty things are under development.
Saturday, April 12th (at 5pm) a concert by Call and Response
(the duet of poet Dottie Grossman and trombonist Michael Vlatkovich – not to be missed!)
We have Knitting Circles, Wednesday nights April 2, and April 16.
and all weekend. Crochet, too. Tuesdays at noon has been
interesting as well.
Spinning Workshop
Learn to make your own yarn on the drop spindle.
Spindle and roving available ($22)
Wednesday April 23 at 7:00 Price tba
Yarn: Start to Finish
If you’ve always wanted to know about wool and yarn and how it all comes together, here’s your chance.
On Friday, April 18, we will meet, you will get a gallon ziplock stuffed full of raw wool. We will discuss how to wash, dry, and card this wool and make it into roving using wire dog brushes.
Wednesday, April 23, we will meet with Annie Stone and learn how to spin pre-made roving into yarn.
We will meet once again on Friday April 25, and see what we’ve done, and look at dying our spun wool with Kool-Aid.
The class will be $75
To review,
You’ll get in 3 sessions…..
raw unwashed wool, (you are welcome to bring your own)
a drop spindle, prepared roving, and the spinning class,
hand-outs with the information,
and some Kool-Aid colors.
April 18, 23, 25 at 7:00pm $75
Please us at if you’d like to take part, and also if you need me to get the dog brushes for you. ($20 for the pair of wire brushes)
Beginning Sewing, Part 2: pattern reading*
bring a simple pattern and your own materials and supplies.
~~Thursday, April 3, at 7pm~~ $30
How to sew skirts and pants that fit!
Students must bring in a very simple pattern
and their own fabric, thread and tools.
Thursday, April 10 at 7pm $30
Please note that we have limited space and limited
sewing machines available for these classes.
When registering, please tell us if you will
need to borrow one of our sewing machines.
And please sign up early.
As always,
Sock group Saturday at 3:00, free (newbies to experts).
If you don’t knit socks yet, we have a Sock Class at 1:00 on Saturdays, $30
Happy Hour Knit
Friday, April 25th
$10 donation.
Bring your projects (I would not recommend lace, unless you like frogging).
Currently being scheduled:
If you’ve admired David B Adams, and the needles and
crochet hooks he makes, we are going to showcase him and his work soon on a Saturday in April. This will be in our next
newsletter, or if you must know the date before that, you can check out our website.
Or subscribe to our “extra” newsletter.
New dates for Beginning Sewing classes.
We’re also working on a couple of booksignings, though those may end up being in May (scary!).
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Music Night on April 12 - Call And Response
On Saturday, April 12th, from 5-7pm, Dottie Grossman and Michael Vlatkovich, also known as “Call And Response” will be performing at That Yarn Store (5028 Eagle Rock Blvd, Eagle Rock, CA; one block south of Colorado Blvd).
The concert is free, although donations are accepted.
Critically acclaimed, the duo has performed across the US, and routinely opens the Potter Valley Jazz Festival. Though music and poetry may have beatnik associations for some, rest assured that this is no bongos and beret affair. Grossman’s poetry covers a wide range of emotional territory, and Vlatkovich is always right there with her, whether to reinforce the sentiment of the poem, or completely turn it on its head. It is not uncommon to be close to tears at the end of a poem, and rolling with laughter during the response.
The magazine, “JAZZIZ” has called Vlatkovich, ”…one of the most extraordinary improvising trombonists in this country as well as overseas. Also a gifted composer and arranger, Vlatkovich is one of the leading talents among Los Angeles improvisational players. Working from the Left Coast since 1973, he is well known for tireless touring, bringing his music all over the United States, Canada, and Europe. A daring and emotionally charged performer, Vlatkovich takes delight in blending a broad variety of jazz and world music styles into his own brand of engaging and unpredictable music. His approach manages to express a raw power and beauty within a minimally structured format that allows extensive group improvisations to lead the way.” The CD, “Call And Response” (on the pfMentum label) represents Grossman and Vlatkovich in live performance mode.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter

Happy Easter.
I had a nice day. Jessamy was in a baking mood and made bread. I spent a good portion of the day trying to figure out how to record music on Max/MSP, a very complicated music program that I used in college in a computer music class. I didn't figure it out, but I think I'm close, so I'll try again tomorrow.
At one point during the day the sun came out, so Jessamy and I decided to go for a walk. As I was putting on my shoes Jessamy looked outside and said "There's white snowy things outside." And sure enough, there were the occasional white dots floating in the air, within 30 seconds it started hailing, and within 1 minute it was snowing. Not a "snowed in" kind of snowing, but it was snow and the flurry lasted about ten minutes. In half an hour it had all melted and Jessamy and I were able to go on a walk, but it was a short one because I had no hat and my ears started to hurt from the cold.
Friday, March 21, 2008
New Squidoo page
And, if you were planning on buying something on cafepress (I've been thinking of putting That Yarn Store stuff on there for a while, someday ...) or Amazon, there are links to those pages on the bottom. Hint hint.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hi There
The weather is mild, the really bad storm all the weather forecasters were, well, forecasting, just turned out to be a really windy night over here (though other parts of the country weren't so lucky).
I've done a few random Squidoo pages, links are on the right side of the screen. I'm thinking of making a That Yarn Store one.
Jessamy entered an essay contest and won a gift certificate to see any play we want at Live Theatre. Right now there's a Billy Eliot type play by the person who wrote Billy Elliot (what a coincidence). We can also use the gift certificate for the theatre's restaurant, which I was really happy to hear as we haven't eaten out in a month and I'm getting sick of my poor (in both ways) cooking skills.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Spinning class tonight
March 14, 7 pm, $30
Spinning your own yarn can give you even more control over your finished knit or crochet project. You can learn to directly control the thickness of the finished yarn. By the end of his first lesson, Noah was able to spin a thick-n-thin yarn that has been mistaken for Rowan yarn (I'm serious!). Once you learn how to spin, try some kool aid dying at home, or create novelty yarn. The possibilities are endless.
Spindles available for purchase at the shop.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Last day for Knit for the Cure
Please include the following with your donation:
Name _________________________
Phone ________________
Please describe knitted donation
Special Care Instructions _______________________________
I am unable to contribute a knitted donation. Please accept my
donation of $______________.
Friday, March 07, 2008
New class - Yarn: Start to Finish - is starting today
On March 7 we will meet, you will get a gallon ziplock stuffedfull of raw wool. We will discuss how to wash, dry, and cardthis wool and make it into roving using wire dog brushes.
March 14, we will meet with Annie Stone and learn how to spinpre-made roving into yarn.We will meet once again on
March 21, and see what we’ve done, and lookat dying our spun wool, with Kool-Aid. The class will be $70
To review,
You’ll get in 3 sessions, raw unwashed wool, (you are welcome to bring your own)a drop spindle, prepared roving, and the spinning class,hand-outs with the information,and some Kool-Aid colors.
March 7. 14. and 21 at 7:00
Please call us at (323) 256-9276 if you’d like to take part, and also if you need me to get the dog brushes for you. ($22 for the pair of wire brushes)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Year
I can't help thinking about the Pirates of Penzance on leap year days, and although it's an exciting day I'm very glad my birthday doesn't fall on February 29th.
There have been articles in the paper the past few days about companies encouraging their workers to take the day off and do something for the environment. I think it's a great idea.