So, now I can finally post what I made my mom for Christmas!
A flying hedgehog:

And magnets:

PS. Very soon I'll leaving this blog and just posting on my new one!
Btw, very soon I'll leaving this blog and starting a new one!
Btw, very soon I'll leaving this blog and starting a new one!
A hat that looks like I'm wearing a bunny on my head, and kind of impedes my sight, but it's sooo warm! And it's made in the UK (Lee Cooper), and I bought it on sale. So yes, definitely news worthy. BTW, that's my black alpaca owl cowl I'm wearing in the pic too - also super warm!!
And those gloves I'm wearing - not warm enough. Almost ready for the snow, almost.
Btw, very soon I'll leaving this blog and starting a new one!
Please change your bookmarks to:
And I can vaguely remember what it looks like too - a mushroom with a white stem and red top.
I got this little spool at a charity shop on Tuesday, and after 5 minutes of the normal thing you do with these (I was surprised that it really was knitting! but with metal loops instead of knitting needles, which, you know, makes sense since it's called a knitting spool ...) I decided it might be a little more interesting to try and knit around one of my felted cords with sewing thread.
I'm not sure what I expected, but this isn't it:
But I suppose you never know until you try!