Saw the Cathedral first.

Lovely view for a picnic, don't ya think?

I thought this was an interesting mix of architecture. As I was putting away my camera a woman came over and told her husband to take a picture of this. I'm not sure why but I got a little annoyed by this. This is my shot, dang it.

Then I went on a tour of the castle, now student residence for Durham University. Photography wasn't allowed in the building, and frankly the outside wasn't too interesting, so sadly no pics of that.
Then I wandered around.

Jessamy suggested I go to the archeological museum (held in the Old Fulling Mill) but I didn't bring a map so I had almost lost hope of finding it, but managed to see a map somewhere and had to follow a small path to the river Wear.

It was a tiny museum and the second floor was being prepared for an exhibition so it was basically just half of a room. Still, I could have breathed on Roman engraved stones if I had the inclination, so that was worth the pound.
Cheap pizza. Yum.

A fitting sign to end the day with.

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