First dropped off a big bag of stuff at a charity shop (I'm having a memory blank as to what the US term is). Scored a hollow chocolate egg with two cadbury cream eggs for only 99 pence (chocolate eggs are a big thing over here during Easter). Did an errand, then chanced upon an "ethical market". I'm not sure what criteria they use for their vendors, but I did buy some lovely goats cheese from the Northumberland cheese company. I'm waiting for Jessamy before I open it, but I had a sample there, so I know it's good.
I did another errand then went to see the new library, which opened on Sunday (I forgot, or would have gone to the opening). It's a nice looking library.
Like the San Francisco main library and the downtown LA library it has a big open space.

Which makes for pretty picture taking, but kind of cuts down on the amount of books that can actually be displayed. Unlike the one in San Francisco though I haven't heard of any throwing out of books happening over here.

There was also, by a stairwell, a display case with knitted soap, bra, and other "womanly" items.

Also in a corner was several shelves of old books. The library is only a few days old, and already this area smells distinctly of books.

They also had a darkened display of Thomas Bewick's (a famous, and local, engraver) desk.
I had every intention on not checking any books out, as we are moving next week and it seemed like a hassle. But, they had The Hobbit (or El Hobbit) in Spanish, which I thought was too cool too pass up, and was afraid someone might nab it in the next week, so precious is all mine for the upcoming few weeks.
The excursion ended at the Laing Art Gallery where a portrait competition put on by the National Portrait Gallery is now showing. It was a little disappointing. They had 60 portraits, but I only really found ten or so to be interesting. Kind of makes me wish I had a better camera so I could submit a photograph for next year's competition. But I think I'll stick to knitting and criticizing.
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