It all kind of ended when we started the yarn store. I became a one-craft woman and shut the plastic canvas in the closet. But then when the yarn store and I parted company I basically stopped knitting, and by extension stopped crafting.
To get to the point, I'm a wanna-be Renaissance woman, and I'm ready to start dabbling again. Needle felting has taken over my crafting life, so I'm I'm going to make an effort to try a new craft or new technique each week and share it on the blog.
So to start it off I've made a fabric flower using a tutorial by V and Co.
It was pretty simple, it used materials I had in the house already, and there's a decent chance that J might actually wear it. Woohoo!
I have no idea what next week's project will be, but I'm looking forward to it.
Love the flower Thea and what pretty material. Keep dabbling, it's truly worth the effort. I do a bit of that on my blog too. Haven't tried needle felting yet, but am curious about it.
Thanks Coleen : )