Monday, March 29, 2010

Book Review: Quick & Clever Felting

Quick & Clever Felting by Ellen Kharade

As you've probably noticed my new hobby is wet felting. But Quick & Clever Felting isn't just about wet felting, it also has projects with commercial felt, needle felting applique, and projects you can make by felting knitted items (technically that's fulling, but I'm not the fiber police (yet)). Which makes it a fun book to have if you like to try out different crafts (like me), but not the best of books if you want to just concentrate on one type of felting (like me).

What I liked about this book:
  • Most of the patterns aren't too cheesy. I liked the needle felted eggs which weren't too over the top like others I've seen, and the bag made from a ahem fulled sweater is pretty cute.
  • Tons of color pictures!
  • There's a page on embroidery that could look good on felted projects.
  • Most of the projects are simple, and seem like they can be done in a short amount of time.

What I liked least about this book:
  • I was pretty disappointed with their instructions on how to make a (simple) felted ball. More on that in my next post.
  • The layout on many of the project pages is often surprising, with the numbered steps not always placed on the page where one would expect.
  • It would have been nice if there were more projects that incorporated several forms of felting and techniques.
In short I'd recommend this book for people who like to experiment with different crafts, but not for those who want an in-depth look into felt.

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