I'm at work. I wouldn't normally do personal internet stuff at work, especially since I only work 15 hours a week at the office, but something amazing just happened.
Pasadena has free street parking until 11. I typically leave the office at 10:55 and walk over to my car and feed the meter. The little ritual started the same as always, got the quarters out of the jar, went out the back door, walked over to the car. I was about to put in a quarter when I noticed that the meter was not flashing the annoying little 0s. The meter actually read 1 hour, 41 minutes. It must be a mistake, I thought, someone clearly does not understand that you must put the quarters in the meter in front of your car.
So, I walked to the big pick up truck in front of me, ready to put in some quarters. And there on the meter were the same numbers, 1.41, staring at me. I looked at the next meter, the same thing, and the empty parking space, same thing.
A parking angel must have graced the streets that day.
I've actually considered doing the same thing, just putting a few quarters in any low meters which I happen to past. I'd be able to feel good about myself and I'd be fighting against "the man." What more could you want. Of course, I have so little money I actually went over my credit limit the other day, and I can't really see myself "casually" looking at parking meters to see if they're out. And I'm not about to make a special trip just to search out expired parking meters because actively trying to improve your good-will tally is just sad, and just defeats the whole purpose of doing good for good's sake.
Thank you to whoever put in those quarters, and to all of you out there who have put money in the parking meter of a stranger. I salute you.
Thea, could you send me your email address that we could use for Pasadena Daytimers to include you in all of our emailings? Thanks so much.