Hi all.
The holidays are a season for giving, so why not use your knit and crochet skills for charity.
Here's the deal:
Everyone who participates in our December knitalong should email me (that@thatyarnstore.com) with your name, blog (if any), and the # of items you pledge to make for charity between Dec. 1st and by Dec. 31st.
Here's what we hope to accomplish with our CHARITY KNITALONG:
100 hats for Stitches from the Heart.
25 preemie sweaters for Stitches from the Heart.
25 hats for Knitzilla.
Hilda - 2 preemie hats
Marisa - 3 preemie hats
Terry - 10 preemie hats
Thea - 10 preemie hats, 1 sweater, 3 knitzilla hats
The special charity knitting button will be available soon. We'll also have a button for those that meet or exceed their pledges.
The charities I'm focusing on are Stitches from the Heart and Knitzilla. But feel free to send your items to other charities.
We have a $25 gift certificate for the most charity items knitted or crocheted (we'll need a picture of your items to share).
Keep checking back for updates. Thanks for getting involved!
If you're in the LA area and would like to knit with others, That Yarn Store will be having a charity knitting event (including reps from Stitches and Knitzilla and a preemie hat knitalong) on Dec. 9th from 11-1.
Check out Bev's Country Cottage for preemie measurements and patterns.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Charity hat done
I just finished the template for my preemie Stitches from the Heart hats.
I used DK weight yarn, and size 5 DP needles.
Here's the pattern - CO 50, work in k1, p1 rib for 4 rows. Work 8 rows in stockinette.
Decrease as follows:
Row 1: *k5, k2tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 2: *k4, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 3: *k3, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 4 and all subsequent rows: *k2, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Stop decreasing when you have 9 stitches left. Cut end, bring end through the 9 stitches, weave in ends.
I used DK weight yarn, and size 5 DP needles.
Here's the pattern - CO 50, work in k1, p1 rib for 4 rows. Work 8 rows in stockinette.
Decrease as follows:
Row 1: *k5, k2tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 2: *k4, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 3: *k3, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Row 4 and all subsequent rows: *k2, k2 tog*, repeat from *, ending with k1.
Stop decreasing when you have 9 stitches left. Cut end, bring end through the 9 stitches, weave in ends.

Monday, November 27, 2006
Look we're famous!
In case you missed it, That Yarn Store had a whole two paragraphs in a semi recent LA Times article about Eagle Rock.
Here's some excerpts from recent press and ones from the past.
Side note: the kid on the front page of that article looks just like one of my identical twin cousins - coincidence, probably, but please don't ask me which twin it looks like.
LA Times, Calendar Section, Nov. 16th
Late on a Wednesday morning, David Orozco is sitting on a floral couch knitting a baby blanket. Barefoot and bearded, he isn't the sort of owner you'd imagine for a yarn shop, but this isn't your average knitting store. In addition to offering classes and selling yarns made from bamboo, hemp and yak hair, the store is a community gathering spot of sorts. Set up like a living room, with a couple of well-worn couches and rocking chairs, this strip-mall outpost regularly hosts special events, including a monthly Spin a Good Yarn Night (where knitters share stories while working their needles), yarn swaps and Spanish conversation nights.
The concept is "a place where people could come and hang out and talk and have it be supported by a business," said Orozco, 55, who runs the shop with his wife and two of his six children. He chose Eagle Rock because the retail space is fairly inexpensive and "the cultural mix of the community is such that there's all kinds of people here and all kinds of economics."
LA Weekly
November 15th
LA Vida-Knitting Factories
Where to stitch ’n’ bitch in L.A. [...]
That Yarn Store
This place is more than a knit shop: It’s an art gallery, a literary salon, even a language-immersion center. On Spin a Good Yarn night, patrons read poetry, passages from novels, or just a good joke; Friday Night Fun might mean a movie or live music underscored by the soothing click-click of knitting needles; on Spanish Conversation nights, knitters are invited to habla espaƱol. Owners David Orozco and Sarah Todd, along with their brood of eccentric kids (ask them about Borneo), are constantly thinking of new activities to keep knitters from feeling lonesome. Their upcoming Yarn Swap and Thanksgiving Leftovers night (November 24) is a clever way to use up uneaten stuffing and old balls of leftover yarn. There are weekly classes for beginners, a Men’s Only night and — just in time for holiday generosity — a Quick Gifts class (Saturday, December 9). That Yarn Store, 1578 #4 W. Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, (323) 256-YARN or http://thatyarnstore.com.
LA City Beat - 7 days
Most objects and adornments feel better in your hands if you sense the hands that made them. All day today through Sunday, see handcrafted fine art and objects, including creations by more than 45 jewelers working in a wide range of materials, at the 1st Annual Santa Monica Arts Festival (Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 1855 Main St.; $7.50, $6.50 seniors, free for kids under 12; Americanartsfestival.com). Hourly demonstrations throughout the weekend include ceramics, water color, and weaving. But if it’s fiber that really gets you going, hit That Yarn Store in Eagle Rock, where this evening they’re holding a “Singles Night” so people of both sexes, any sexual orientation, and all knitting skill levels, can needle each other in search of true love (1578 W. Colorado Blvd., 323-256-9276; 6 p.m.-9 p.m.; free; Thatyarnstore.com).
LA City Beat - 7 days
Got a yarn to tell? Don’t know yarns that well? Satisfy both needs tonight at That Yarn Store in Eagle Rock. The family-owned, “community-oriented gathering place” is hosting its second “Spin a Good Yarn Night,” featuring poetry, jokes, improv, and other kinds of ways to tell a story while your hands are busy making mittens, or scarves, or a sexy ’70s crochet bikini. Bring your needles, or your active storytelling or listening skills, and see what “purls” your pals will come up with. Say, isn’t that James Frey in the corner? 7 p.m. Free. 1578 W. Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, (323) 256-9276. Thatyarnstore.com.
Here's some excerpts from recent press and ones from the past.
Side note: the kid on the front page of that article looks just like one of my identical twin cousins - coincidence, probably, but please don't ask me which twin it looks like.
LA Times, Calendar Section, Nov. 16th
Late on a Wednesday morning, David Orozco is sitting on a floral couch knitting a baby blanket. Barefoot and bearded, he isn't the sort of owner you'd imagine for a yarn shop, but this isn't your average knitting store. In addition to offering classes and selling yarns made from bamboo, hemp and yak hair, the store is a community gathering spot of sorts. Set up like a living room, with a couple of well-worn couches and rocking chairs, this strip-mall outpost regularly hosts special events, including a monthly Spin a Good Yarn Night (where knitters share stories while working their needles), yarn swaps and Spanish conversation nights.
The concept is "a place where people could come and hang out and talk and have it be supported by a business," said Orozco, 55, who runs the shop with his wife and two of his six children. He chose Eagle Rock because the retail space is fairly inexpensive and "the cultural mix of the community is such that there's all kinds of people here and all kinds of economics."
LA Weekly
November 15th
LA Vida-Knitting Factories
Where to stitch ’n’ bitch in L.A. [...]
That Yarn Store
This place is more than a knit shop: It’s an art gallery, a literary salon, even a language-immersion center. On Spin a Good Yarn night, patrons read poetry, passages from novels, or just a good joke; Friday Night Fun might mean a movie or live music underscored by the soothing click-click of knitting needles; on Spanish Conversation nights, knitters are invited to habla espaƱol. Owners David Orozco and Sarah Todd, along with their brood of eccentric kids (ask them about Borneo), are constantly thinking of new activities to keep knitters from feeling lonesome. Their upcoming Yarn Swap and Thanksgiving Leftovers night (November 24) is a clever way to use up uneaten stuffing and old balls of leftover yarn. There are weekly classes for beginners, a Men’s Only night and — just in time for holiday generosity — a Quick Gifts class (Saturday, December 9). That Yarn Store, 1578 #4 W. Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, (323) 256-YARN or http://thatyarnstore.com.
LA City Beat - 7 days
Most objects and adornments feel better in your hands if you sense the hands that made them. All day today through Sunday, see handcrafted fine art and objects, including creations by more than 45 jewelers working in a wide range of materials, at the 1st Annual Santa Monica Arts Festival (Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 1855 Main St.; $7.50, $6.50 seniors, free for kids under 12; Americanartsfestival.com). Hourly demonstrations throughout the weekend include ceramics, water color, and weaving. But if it’s fiber that really gets you going, hit That Yarn Store in Eagle Rock, where this evening they’re holding a “Singles Night” so people of both sexes, any sexual orientation, and all knitting skill levels, can needle each other in search of true love (1578 W. Colorado Blvd., 323-256-9276; 6 p.m.-9 p.m.; free; Thatyarnstore.com).
LA City Beat - 7 days
Got a yarn to tell? Don’t know yarns that well? Satisfy both needs tonight at That Yarn Store in Eagle Rock. The family-owned, “community-oriented gathering place” is hosting its second “Spin a Good Yarn Night,” featuring poetry, jokes, improv, and other kinds of ways to tell a story while your hands are busy making mittens, or scarves, or a sexy ’70s crochet bikini. Bring your needles, or your active storytelling or listening skills, and see what “purls” your pals will come up with. Say, isn’t that James Frey in the corner? 7 p.m. Free. 1578 W. Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, (323) 256-9276. Thatyarnstore.com.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Begone with you
Got an email a few days ago about a call for unfinished knitting projects, to be used as set pieces for a play.
So I dug up my first attempt at a scarf.

Yes, it does have a cable down the middle. But, it also has crossed stitches, new yarn joined in the middle of a row, and I thought two skeins would be enough for a scarf.
I briefly considered keeping it for sentimental reasons, but seeing as I don't actually remember knitting it, that excuse wouldn't work. Plus, I'm genetically predisposed to hord crap, and although I'm doing pretty good at the moment in terms of stuffage, this scarf just might be the gateway garment. Next thing you know, I'm 70 years old and still holding on to mygauge swatches afghan squares.
If anyone wants to share postage, bring your knitting to the store, affixed with all the necessary info.
Dear Knitters,
Got an old knitting project that you don’t plan to
ever finish?
Half done socks?
Five inches of a scarf?
Now they can be part of a touring theater piece!
Help performer Kristina Wong demystify the
knitting circle and unravel the deep psyche of the
master crafter in her new solo show “Wong Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Your donations of unfinished
knitting pieces from around the world will be included
as part of the set for a live serio-comic exploration
of maintaining sanity in times that seem almost
All contributors will receive “set construction”
program credit for the life of the show. (Please
forward this notice to all the knitters you know)
Your friends in crafting,
The Cuckoo’s Nest
“Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” originally
set out to explore the sky-high rates of mental
illness and suicide among Asian Pacific Islander
Women. Asian Pacific Islander American women have the
highest rates of suicide in the country in a statistic
that seems to be widely unpublicized and often
disregarded. The unfinished knitting collected
represent incomplete intentions, women’s work,“spinning a yarn,” and loneliness. During the show,
Kristina uses the knitting pieces to represent
“unravelling” women and even unravels some of the
pieces during the show. These knit pieces may also be
displayed as part of an art installation later in the
Please include the skein of yarn (if there is one)
attached to your unfinished knitting. Include the
knitting needle it’s sitting on, or if you want to
keep you needles, pull some waste yarn through the
loops so that your piece doesn’t unravel in the mail.
On a sheet of paper please include the following
information. This information is all optional as it
may be displayed as part of a public installation of
this work.
Name (or alias)
Ethnic identification
Where do you live/ Where are you from?
What was the original intention when you cast on
this piece?
What reasons do you have for not finishing it?
Any information about this piece that is pertinent
to its history or to your history.
If you are interested in knowing where “Wong Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is touring to, please include
your email address.
Note: Your name and hometown must be included if
you want to be credited for “set construction.”
Unfinished knitting, all different shapes and
colors that can be unraveled if pulled at the string.
This could be the sleeve of a sweater you never
finished, the first scarf you started, or any other
piece of knitting that for some reason or another you
have not managed to finish nor do you anticipate will
represent incomplete intentions, women’s work,
“spinning a yarn,” and loneliness. During the show,
Kristina uses the knitting pieces to represent
“unravelling” women and even unravels some of the
pieces during the show. These knit pieces may also be
displayed as part of an art installation later in the
At the end of the run of “Wong Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest,” the remaining pieces will be stitched
together to create blankets for charity. Any attached
skeins of yarn will be cut and also given to charity.
* Knitting received by December 1, 2006 will
appear in the Berkeley premiere of WFOTCN on December
9 and the run at MACLA in San Jose December 15-16.
* Knitting received by March 15, 2006 will appear
in the East Coast premiere of WFOTCN March 23-24 at
the Painted Bride in Philadelphia, PA.
* Knitting may also appear in other national
performances of this show.
PO BOX 251664
Please do not send anything COD.
So I dug up my first attempt at a scarf.

Yes, it does have a cable down the middle. But, it also has crossed stitches, new yarn joined in the middle of a row, and I thought two skeins would be enough for a scarf.
I briefly considered keeping it for sentimental reasons, but seeing as I don't actually remember knitting it, that excuse wouldn't work. Plus, I'm genetically predisposed to hord crap, and although I'm doing pretty good at the moment in terms of stuffage, this scarf just might be the gateway garment. Next thing you know, I'm 70 years old and still holding on to my
If anyone wants to share postage, bring your knitting to the store, affixed with all the necessary info.
Dear Knitters,
Got an old knitting project that you don’t plan to
ever finish?
Half done socks?
Five inches of a scarf?
Now they can be part of a touring theater piece!
Help performer Kristina Wong demystify the
knitting circle and unravel the deep psyche of the
master crafter in her new solo show “Wong Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Your donations of unfinished
knitting pieces from around the world will be included
as part of the set for a live serio-comic exploration
of maintaining sanity in times that seem almost
All contributors will receive “set construction”
program credit for the life of the show. (Please
forward this notice to all the knitters you know)
Your friends in crafting,
The Cuckoo’s Nest
“Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” originally
set out to explore the sky-high rates of mental
illness and suicide among Asian Pacific Islander
Women. Asian Pacific Islander American women have the
highest rates of suicide in the country in a statistic
that seems to be widely unpublicized and often
disregarded. The unfinished knitting collected
represent incomplete intentions, women’s work,“spinning a yarn,” and loneliness. During the show,
Kristina uses the knitting pieces to represent
“unravelling” women and even unravels some of the
pieces during the show. These knit pieces may also be
displayed as part of an art installation later in the
Please include the skein of yarn (if there is one)
attached to your unfinished knitting. Include the
knitting needle it’s sitting on, or if you want to
keep you needles, pull some waste yarn through the
loops so that your piece doesn’t unravel in the mail.
On a sheet of paper please include the following
information. This information is all optional as it
may be displayed as part of a public installation of
this work.
Name (or alias)
Ethnic identification
Where do you live/ Where are you from?
What was the original intention when you cast on
this piece?
What reasons do you have for not finishing it?
Any information about this piece that is pertinent
to its history or to your history.
If you are interested in knowing where “Wong Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is touring to, please include
your email address.
Note: Your name and hometown must be included if
you want to be credited for “set construction.”
Unfinished knitting, all different shapes and
colors that can be unraveled if pulled at the string.
This could be the sleeve of a sweater you never
finished, the first scarf you started, or any other
piece of knitting that for some reason or another you
have not managed to finish nor do you anticipate will
represent incomplete intentions, women’s work,
“spinning a yarn,” and loneliness. During the show,
Kristina uses the knitting pieces to represent
“unravelling” women and even unravels some of the
pieces during the show. These knit pieces may also be
displayed as part of an art installation later in the
At the end of the run of “Wong Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest,” the remaining pieces will be stitched
together to create blankets for charity. Any attached
skeins of yarn will be cut and also given to charity.
* Knitting received by December 1, 2006 will
appear in the Berkeley premiere of WFOTCN on December
9 and the run at MACLA in San Jose December 15-16.
* Knitting received by March 15, 2006 will appear
in the East Coast premiere of WFOTCN March 23-24 at
the Painted Bride in Philadelphia, PA.
* Knitting may also appear in other national
performances of this show.
PO BOX 251664
Please do not send anything COD.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Felted Sachet
Monday, November 20, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Live Music tonight!
Music Night
Featuring Lorin Hart and a special musical guest.
November 17, 7 pm
"Lorin Hart is like Buddy Holly's girlfriend, a downtown cowgirl, and her songs sound like the fairgrounds" --Tom Waits
Join us for a wonderful evening of music and heart.
Featuring Lorin Hart and a special musical guest.
November 17, 7 pm
"Lorin Hart is like Buddy Holly's girlfriend, a downtown cowgirl, and her songs sound like the fairgrounds" --Tom Waits
Join us for a wonderful evening of music and heart.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Fiber arts show this week!
fiber = art
Fibrous Beginnings: A Los Angeles Fiber Arts Show
November 12-November 18, 2006
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 11, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Join us for some unusual, witty, and just plain cool pieces by local
Los Angeles fiber artists.
Artists include: Illona Battaglia Aguayo, Juanita Rivas-Raymer, Evelyn
Van Orden, Janice Ogata, Regina Rioux Gonzalez, Elisabeth Quick, Ako
Castuera, and Sharon Grier.
That Yarn Store
1578 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-9276
Fibrous Beginnings: A Los Angeles Fiber Arts Show
November 12-November 18, 2006
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 11, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Join us for some unusual, witty, and just plain cool pieces by local
Los Angeles fiber artists.
Artists include: Illona Battaglia Aguayo, Juanita Rivas-Raymer, Evelyn
Van Orden, Janice Ogata, Regina Rioux Gonzalez, Elisabeth Quick, Ako
Castuera, and Sharon Grier.
That Yarn Store
1578 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-9276
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Fiber arts show coming very soon!
November 11th
Fibrous Beginnings: A fiber arts exhibit

November 12 - November 18, 2006
Opening Reception: November 11, 7-10 pm
And don't forget our unnofficial, not really end-of-show Music Night
Featuring Lorin Hart and a special musical guest.
November 17, 7 pm
Click here for an invitation
"Lorin Hart is like Buddy Holly's girlfriend, a downtown cowgirl, and
her songs sound like the fairgrounds" --Tom Waits
November 11th
Fibrous Beginnings: A fiber arts exhibit
November 12 - November 18, 2006
Opening Reception: November 11, 7-10 pm
And don't forget our unnofficial, not really end-of-show Music Night
Featuring Lorin Hart and a special musical guest.
November 17, 7 pm
Click here for an invitation
"Lorin Hart is like Buddy Holly's girlfriend, a downtown cowgirl, and
her songs sound like the fairgrounds" --Tom Waits
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
It keeps going ...
Friday, November 03, 2006
Gnome class this saturday
Knitted gnome class! This Saturday!
Holiday Gnome Workshop
Saturday, November 4th,
9:30-12:00 $28 (+ materials)

Knitted toys are a great way for beginners to learn the basic techniques of knitting. Learn how to make these cute little chaps. To reserve your space, workshop must be paid in full. Drop by the store before 7 pm, or phone in your reservation today!
Holiday Gnome Workshop
Saturday, November 4th,
9:30-12:00 $28 (+ materials)
Knitted toys are a great way for beginners to learn the basic techniques of knitting. Learn how to make these cute little chaps. To reserve your space, workshop must be paid in full. Drop by the store before 7 pm, or phone in your reservation today!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
More projects
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